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6th Grade Movie Night
September 24th, 2021
3:50 – 5:30 p.m.
GMS Cafeteria



What is the 6th

Movie "Quote-Along" Night?

The 6th Grade Movie "Quote- Along" Night is an annual gathering, hosted by the PTA (for the 6th graders only) to socialize, have fun, eat, and watch the most quotable movie for our Movie Quote-Along "Elf."

6th Grade Movie Night Flyer_v3.png


Does my student have to buy a wristband before the Movie Quote-Along? 

Yes, if your student is planning to attend the event a wristband will need to be purchased online. Attendance for this event is voluntary.  This is not a mandatory event. Wristband sales will be advertised for online purchase prior to the event.

How does my student get a wristband? 

Online wristband sales for 2021 will run September 13th through September 22nd prior to the event on Friday September 24th for $5.00.  Wristbands from online purchases will be distributed and put on the student during the 6th grade 'A' lunch period September 23th through September 24th at the Movie Table in the Commons.


Wristbands can be purchased in person with a cash or check made payable to GMS PTA during the 6th grade 'A' lunch period September 23th through September 24th at the Movie Table in the Commons.  Wristbands will be put on the student at the time of purchase.


Kids will be instructed to keep the wristband on until AFTER the event. 

If the wristband is lost prior to the event, email the Socials Coordinators.

Disclaimer: By purchasing a wristband for the 6th Grade Glow Party, you authorize the GMS PTA to take photographs of your child during the event. Any photographs taken may be displayed on a shared link (password required) through the GMS Newsgroup, and you hereby release and hold harmless Gorzycki Middle School, Gorzycki PTA volunteers and any third parties from liability. 

6th Grade Movie Quote-Along Night FAQs

Are cell phones allowed in the event?
No, students are not allowed cell phones during the event. (For student privacy and safety)

Where will my student store their school/personal items? (Backpacks, purses, etc…)
Students will leave all school and personal items next to them in the cafeteria.

COVID Protocol will be enforced.

What do I do if my student loses their wristband?

If the wristband is lost prior to the event, email the Socials Coordinators.

Can parents or siblings attend? 
For the safety of the students, only 6th grade students and volunteers that have signed up will be allowed in the event. 

What will be served? 
Pizza (including gluten and nut free) and cheese/pepperoni rolls will be served; snack station will include popcorn and candy options (all gluten and nut free items); drinks will include soda, Gatorade, and water.

My child has food allergies. Can I bring food for them? 
Yes, we would encourage anyone who has a student with food allergies or issues to bring or send food for their student. Please label the container with the student’s name and drop it off in office the afternoon of the event. 

Can I donate to the event or volunteer? 
Yes of course!  Click here to donate items, money, and/or for volunteers opportunities.

If you wish to donate money in lieu of donating drink/snack items, to assist with prizes, or to donate a wristband, donate online by adding the '2021-- Donation 6th Grade Movie Quote-Along' to your cart. 

As a volunteer or someone who wants to make a donation, what do I need to do?
Click here for volunteer and donation instructions.


Where do I pick up my child after the event?

The front doors will remain LOCKED during the event.  Pick up in front of the school will not be permitted.  To pick up your student you must enter the school property through the front and follow the directional signs to drive to the back and around the school. Students will be released through the back cafeteria doors. Do not enter the parking lot through the Gym/West Entrance at the rear of the school.  Click here to view the Pick up route for the GMS 6th Grade Social.


Can I pick up my child early?

Yes, however this must be pre-arranged with the school and the student must obtain an early release slip from the office on the morning of the event. Parent/Guardian must come to the back cafeteria doors to retrieve your student.


Email any questions to the PTA Social Coordinators.




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