Matching Funds for
Gorzycki Middle School PTA
Frequently asked questions:
What is the Matching Funds Program and what does it do?
Matching Funds is a PTA program that helps facilitate the matching of any monetary donations made to the Gorzycki MS PTA by corporate employers who provide the benefit to their employees.
For qualifying employees, it’s an easy way to double their donations and help the PTA go even farther in helping to support Gorzycki Middle School throughout the school year.
How do I know if my donations to the Gorzycki MS PTA can be matched?
Not every employer or company offers a corporate matching gifts or funds program. If you are not sure, check with your employer’s HR department to find out.
Many corporations require that the organization they are matching funds for have 501(3)(c) non-profit status. The Gorzycki MS PTA does and can provide required documentation as needed.
If my donations can be matched, how do I make that happen?
Most employers with matching gift programs make it easy for their employees to match donations. Usually it’s a matter of filling out a form or submitting a simple request online. Check with your HR department to see how match requests can be made with many local companies.
Please note that each company is different and individual employer policies can change from time to time, however, so check with your company’s HR department to find out the most up-to-date details.
Where does my employer send the matching funds?
Make checks payable to Gorzycki Middle School PTA.
Send checks to Gorzycki Middle School PTA at 7412 W. Slaughter Lane, Austin TX 78749.
I still have questions – who do I contact?
Feel free to contact the GMS PTA Treasurer.
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