2020 Tiger Day - Cancelled
The GMS PTA Board would like to thank all of you who volunteered your time and money to help plan our annual Tiger Day fundraiser for the school. ALL of the money raised for Tiger Day through wristband sales, parent donations, and business partnerships/donations (less expenses for the event) goes DIRECTLY TO THE SCHOOL. This year, the PTA and Dr. Mitchell had earmarked the money to go towards the new marquee build, as well as to teacher/classroom requests. The electricity for the marquee is already complete and the poles are up as of the week of April 5th. Your donations are truly critical to this project being completed. Now that schools have been closed for the rest of the year, we will not be able to hold the Tiger Day event in May, as intended.
We know these are trying times for everyone, but the bottom line is this: If you can afford to, we ask you to please donate the $25 wristband sale to help fund the marquee project and teacher needs from now through summer.
If that is not an option for you, we can provide a refund to you (less any online fees you paid.) To obtain a refund you must send an email to president@tigerpta.org AND treasurer@tigerpta.org . This email must contain your name, your mailing address, your child's name, how many wristbands you bought, and if you paid cash, check or paid online. If you do not provide this information, we cannot process or send you a refund check.
All refund requests must be received by May 22nd - NO EXCEPTIONS. Our fiscal year ends on May 31st and we are prohibited from writing any checks after that date. If we do not have your refund request by May 22nd, your fees will be donated. Please allow at least one week to receive the check. All checks require two signatures, and during this time that is more difficult, so they take a little extra time to process.
IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTE: If we DO NOT hear back from you (via the email addresses provided above), the money you paid for wristbands and/or donated to the event, will remain in the Tiger Day PTA account and will be transferred to the school on or before May 31, 2020. Because we sold more than 1,000 wristbands, we don't have the bandwidth to track every single request. Thank you for your understanding.
Many thanks for your consideration of donating your payment to the school. Like you, we are very disappointed that we will not be able to hold this amazing event that our kids truly look forward to each year and love.
We hope that you and your family are staying healthy and safe at home during this unprecedented time. As always, thank you for all that you do for the PTA and for the school.