GMS Spring Staff Appreciation Luncheon 2019

This is our last chance of the 2018-2019 school year to show our immense appreciation for our Tiger Teachers and Staff. We need your help to make this event a big succes and give you a chance to show your gratitude by providing a donated item or volunteer your time. Our Gorzycki Staff deserves the red-carpet treatment for another wonderful school year!
The Spring Staff Appreciation Luncheon will be Tuesday, April 16th, in the GMS Library from 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. CST, with CraigO's Pasta & Pizzeria, our generous local business.
You must check in at the Front Office and get your sticker.
Help bring food and drinks from the Front Office up to the Library, ice drinks, cover tables, arrange food buffet style, create a drink station, serve and clean up.
How much food to prepare: to serve between 10-12 people. The teacher / staff number we will be serving is about 120 people.
Food note: all food must be fully prepared, cut and ready to serve as the volunteers will be busy setting up and serving.
Serving Dishes: only disposable containers. All food must be covered/ wrapped. *If you are bringing a crock pot, please label (a piece of scotch tape wrapped around the cord with your name on it works well) and make arrangements to pick up).
Label Food: Please label the type of food you are bringing - a simple name of the dessert and a few main ingredients so that we know what we are serving.
Drop-off: non-perishables, starting Thursday - ALL others by 10am Tuesday. Check in at the office and leave your donated items on the cart provided.
Many, many thanks in advance to you.
If you have any questions, please contact the PTA Hospitality Chair.